Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Money for Everyone: Why We Need a Citizen's Income by Malcolm Torry

Money for Everyone: Why We Need a Citizen's Income by Malcolm Torry

Money for Everyone: Why We Need a Citizen's Income

Money for Everyone: Why We Need a Citizen's Income by Malcolm Torry PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Defining a citizen’s income as a basic financial provision to which all citizens should have an unconditional right, Malcolm Torry examines its potential social and economic advantages in a British context. He argues that the establishment of a citizen’s income would reduce inequality; enhance individual freedom; improve social cohesion, family life, the economy, and the employment market; and be simple and inexpensive to administer. Informed by a comparative analysis of other countries’ approaches to poverty and inequality, Money for Everyone makes a valuable and timely contribution to current debates about the United Kingdom’s public benefits system.

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