Encyclopedia of Film Themes, Settings and Series by Richard B. Armstrong, Mary Willems Armstrong
Encyclopedia of Film Themes, Settings and Series by Richard B. Armstrong, Mary Willems Armstrong PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The first editon was called "the most valuable film reference in several years" by Library Journal. The new edition published in hardcover in 2001 includes more than 670 entries. The current work is a paperback reprint of that edition. Each entry contains a mini-essay that defines the topic, followed by a chronological list of representative films. From the Abominable Snowman to Zorro, this encyclopedia provides film scholars and fans with an easy-to-use reference for researching film themes or tracking down obscure movies on subjects such as suspended animation, viral epidemics, robots, submarines, reincarnation, ventriloquists and the Olympics ("Excellent" said Cult Movies). The volume also contains an extensive list of film characters and series, including B-movie detectives, Western heroes, made-for-television film series, and foreign film heroes and villains.From reader reviews:
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