Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ The Epidemiological Approach by N J Wald

The Epidemiological Approach by N J Wald

The Epidemiological Approach

The Epidemiological Approach by N J Wald PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Highly Commended in the Public Health category, BMA Medical Book Competition 2004

This book is intended as an introduction to epidemiology for medical students, as well as a refresher textbook for doctors and other healthcare professionals at any stage of their careers. This brief simple text offers an insight into Epidemiology and an awareness of its scope and utility, and serves as a useful introduction to the subject.

In its previous three editions, the book has proved popular with students at Bart's and the Royal London Hospitals in London, UK. Now published for the first time by RSM Press, this fourth edition is available to all students in the UK and overseas. It contains a new section on cancer screening, provides updated information on AIDS in the UK, and revises some of the text on observational studies. Special reference is made to the expected epidemic of mesothelioma, showing how epidemiology can predict future disease trends. The glossary has also been revised.

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