SILENT SNEAKS by B. R. Emrick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A deranged king of a Middle Eastern country, with the help from two other countries, is sending teams of men with serious weapons-of-mass-destruction to America. The first team is successful in killing an estimated twenty thousand innocent Americans at a football game and every one downwind of a nuclear explosion. America's CIA director knows that was just the start and more attacks were sure to come, so he summons a shady but successful operator currently making an effort to stop the lucrative narcotic flow into America. The agent and a handful of other men with police or military experience live on an island not shown on any sea chart, and have been very successful at destroying product and keeping the cash to the tune of fifty million dollars. Of course, the big dope smuggler bosses want to the kill the band of do-gooder thieves. The CIA director and the director of the FBI have a secret meeting with the do-gooders who call themselves, Noseeums, who lived on an island named Nowhere. The two federal bosses want the Noseeums to break laws as they did with the smugglers to find and kill the terrorists responsible for the stadium massacre, and frighten the wannabe terrorists with so much horror that would make the terrorists decline any offers to go to Heaven with seventy two virgins.From reader reviews:
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