Constable Kluez and the Mystery at Marble Manor: A new concept in mysteries; the Puzzle-Code-Mystery. The ultimate brain game. One where you, the ... case. (Contable Kluez Mysteries) (Volume 1) by D.M. Leathers
Constable Kluez and the Mystery at Marble Manor: A new concept in mysteries; the Puzzle-Code-Mystery. The ultimate brain game. One where you, the ... case. (Contable Kluez Mysteries) (Volume 1) by D.M. Leathers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Have you ever wanted to read a mystery, and to be the detective, find hidden clues, break the secret code, and solve the case? That is what my book is all about. It is an original format, one that I have dubbed ‘Puzzle-Code Mystery’. My name is D.M.Leathers and I have written a book entitled “Constable Kluez and the Mystery at Marble Manor”. It is in fact a mystery, an ‘Ultimate Brain Game’ in which the reader solves the case. This is done by finding over 99 hidden clues in over thirty hand drawn and full color pages, with the help of the main character, ‘Constable Oscar Lee Kluez’. The ‘Constable’ asks for the help from the newest detective of the ‘O.K. Detective Agency’ (the reader), as well helping him/her with hints throughout the tour of ‘Marble Manor’. The way it works is like this, imagine on page two let us say, that there is a series of wall sconces, two rows of thirteen, twenty six total, but each one slightly different from the others. Now imagine if you assign each different sconce a letter say A-Z, this is where the ‘26’ total number of sconces comes in. On page eight perhaps, there are the same sconces (or something that resembles them) on a different wall. This would be the ‘Clue’. By comparing the new sconces to the ones with assigned ‘letters’, the reader decodes the clue. There are also clues hidden that involve assigning letters to their numerical counterpart, ie: A=1,B=2,C=3, etc. These usually consist of counting things, such as notches, dots, and various shapes. I have even left spaces in the margins for your notes on each page. The reader is insured success by the last two sections of the book, in which they are given hints in riddle-like form in ‘Constable’s Notes’ section, and given the answers (printed backwards) in the ‘Constable’s Final Report’, both listed page by page. As there are also numerous ‘Easter Eggs’ hidden throughout as well, this is a not book that one ‘breezes through’. So, I invite all of you who enjoy a mental challenge, spooky mansions, and a good ‘whodunit’, to investigate ‘The Mystery at Marble Manor’. As author and illustrator, I enjoyed writing this book and know you will enjoy it as well. Good Luck Detective! -D.M.LeathersFrom reader reviews:
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Constable Kluez and the Mystery at Marble Manor: A new concept in mysteries; the Puzzle-Code-Mystery. The ultimate brain game. One where you, the ... case. (Contable Kluez Mysteries) (Volume 1) by D.M. Leathers Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Constable Kluez and the Mystery at Marble Manor: A new concept in mysteries; the Puzzle-Code-Mystery. The ultimate brain game. One where you, the ... case. (Contable Kluez Mysteries) (Volume 1) by D.M. Leathers books to read online.
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