My Life As a Border Collie: Freedom from Codependency by Nancy L. Johnston
My Life As a Border Collie: Freedom from Codependency by Nancy L. Johnston PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this fun, inviting look at a serious topic—codependence—Nancy L. Johnston shares the life lessons she learned from her observations of the relationship behaviors exhibited by her pet collie, Daisy: "The book began by my noticing behaviors in Daisy that resemble the codependent behaviors in me, which I have been working to moderate through my recovery. Daily I am struck by our tendencies to attend to others, to herd, to overreact."
Johnston's delightful book examines twelve specific behaviors that, in their extreme form, can be codependent. It also offers new information on codependence and help for it, including the latest research-supported findings, so that readers can understand "What am I doing that is not producing the relationship results I really want?"
Nancy L. Johnston, MS, LPC, LSATP, is a licensed psychotherapist and licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner in private practice in Lexington, Virginia. She has thirty-three years of clinical experience addressing a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues. Johnston specializes in treating adolescents and adults, and has always had a special interest in addiction and its effects on both individuals and family systems. Her first book, Disentangle: When You've Lost Your Self in Someone Else, was published by Central Recovery Press in 2011.
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