On This Day in Christian History: 365 Amazing and Inspiring Stories about Saints, Martyrs and Heroes by Robert Morgan
On This Day in Christian History: 365 Amazing and Inspiring Stories about Saints, Martyrs and Heroes by Robert Morgan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Amazing Stories of Faith from Twenty Centuries of Church History
From the Roman Empire to the Reformation, St. Valentine to St. Francis, Martin Luther to Billy Graham, best-selling author Robert J. Morgan introduces you to a parade of preachers, popes, martyrs, heroes, and saints. Intriguing and inspiring stories from two thousand years of Christianity offer a glimpse into church history.
On This Day in Christian History is an introduction to 365 of the most remarkable men and women of faith you will ever meet. Simple, colorful stories tell you about history-making events in the lives of people who loved God wholeheartedly. This unique devotional:
- Provides a rarely seen view of believers and their roles in the Christian church
- Offers daily Scripture reading from the Contemporary English Version
- Is a goldmine of speech starters—lesson and sermon illustrations for speakers, preachers, and teachers
- Includes a helpful index of selected topics
On This Day in Christian History brings a year’s worth of insight and spiritual challenge as you learn what some Christians endured because of their love for God.
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