Minggu, 07 September 2014

PDF⋙ Essentials of Counterterrorism (Praeger Security International)

Essentials of Counterterrorism (Praeger Security International)

Essentials of Counterterrorism (Praeger Security International)

Essentials of Counterterrorism (Praeger Security International) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A comprehensive overview of counterterrorism that examines key aspects of the fight against terrorism, including intelligence, law enforcement, the military, financial and criminal activity, ethics, and social media.

• Analyzes critical themes and issues related to the fight against terrorism

• Provides an ideal guide for students and other readers who are new to the study of counterterrorism and national and international security

• Brings together contributors from academia, the military, law enforcement, government and intelligence agencies, and think tanks

• Includes case studies that illustrate key concepts used in successfully combating terrorism

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