Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Journal: Calla Lilies by Genevieve Kiger Purdy

Journal: Calla Lilies by Genevieve Kiger Purdy

Journal: Calla Lilies

Journal: Calla Lilies by Genevieve Kiger Purdy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Two lovely, delicate calla lilies decorate the outside of this notebook, containing 248 pale grey lined sheets, ideal for a journal or diary, dream journal, gratitude journal, or prayer journal. A perfect way to make sure you always take note of special happenings or thoughts in your daily living.

Draw on the numerous well-known positive effects of keeping a journal, such as:
-Clarify your current thought processes and sentiments, to comprehend your self better
-Reduce stress and anxiety by venting on the subject of difficulties in a constructive manner
-Work thru tribulations and help with managing them
-Keep track of personal betterment and improvement

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