Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card): The Horse, 1e by David Wilson DVM MS DACVS
Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card): The Horse, 1e by David Wilson DVM MS DACVS PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
- A consistent, easy-reference format allows for quick retrieval of practical, clinical information.
- A wealth of high-quality illustrations clearly demonstrates key concepts and procedures.
- Concise, at-a-glance format offers six books in one with these sections:
- Diseases and Disorders provides at-a-glance coverage of nearly 500 common medical problems, arranged alphabetically for immediate access. Each entry presents the topic in the sequence it follows clinically, including: history and physical exam findings, diagnostic testing, treatment (including specific medications and dosages), prognosis, and recommended monitoring. References for each topic support the data presented.
- Procedures and Techniques offers illustrated, step-by-step instructions for understanding and performing over 100 important clinical procedures.
- Differential Diagnosis displays nearly every possible cause for 65 different clinical disorders.
- Laboratory Tests summarizes essential information needed for interpreting 110 laboratory tests.
- Clinical Algorithms provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance to clinical assessment and treatment planning for 50 of the most common clinical conditions/disorders.
- Drug Formulary is a compilation of dosages and other relevant information by expert Nathan Slovis, DVM for 145 new and current medications.
- A companion website includes the complete text of the book in a fully searchable format, which allows quick access to any topic and its related information in the six different sections. The website also includes a searchable drug formulary, a color image collection, clinical algorithms, and 50 client education sheets available in both English and Spanish.
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